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Saturday, September 29, 2012

How to Update Java Software

Free Java Download

What is Java technology and why do I need it? 

  • Java allows you to play online games, chat with people around the world, calculate your mortgage interest, and view images in 3D, just to name a few. It's also integral to the intranet applications and other e-business solutions that are the foundation of corporate computing.
  • Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It is the underlying technology that powers state-of-the-art programs including utilities, games, and business applications. Java runs on more than 850 million personal computers worldwide, and on billions of devices worldwide, including mobile and TV devices.
Why do I need Java?
  • There are lots of applications and websites that won't work unless you have Java installed, and more are created every day. Java is fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere!
Is Java free to download?
  • Yes, Java is free to download. Get the latest version at http://java.com
  • If you are building an embedded or consumer device and would like to include Java, please contact Oracle for more information on including Java in your device.
Why should I upgrade to the latest Java version?
  • The latest Java version contains important enhancements to improve performance, stability and security of the Java applications that run on your machine. Installing this free update will ensure that your Java applications continue to run safely and efficiently.
How to Update Java Software?
  1. Click My Computer then click Control Panel from your PC/Laptop folder.

  2. Double click on Java icon (Control Panel menu)
  3. Java Control Panel windows will show up (after double click on Java icon)

  4. Click Update tab from Java Control Panel windows and click Update Now

  5. All that steps above will update your Java software.

Welcome Reward: Collectable Card (Revanchist)

Welcome Reward: Collectable Card (Revanchist)
Updated 09/29/2012 at 07:52
To welcome you back, we are giving you a Collectable Card (Revanchist)

You will be able to collect the reward in game till Sept 30th 2012 (11:59 PM Pacific Time)

Please note: If you haven't received a Game Request for this item, please Click here to fill our survey and provide your UID to let our team know.

Please note that there is no need to submit a support request for this item as Customer Service agents will not be able to make any adjustments or credits to your account for this item.

If you have not already added the Collectable Card (Revanchist) to your inventory, you can locate and add it by following the instructions provided below.

1. Click HERE to open the Facebook Game Request Page

2. Scroll down and locate the announcement from Mafia Wars about the Collectable Card and click 'Accept'.

3. After you have clicked the accept button you will be taken back to the game and will receive the following pop-up:

4. To find the item in your game, please click on the Inventory tab and select Collections and Vaults > Set 6: Retribution

5. You will see the Collectable Card added to Series 2 of your Retribution Set:


Friday, September 28, 2012

Issues with Free Gifts

Issues with Free Gifts
Updated 09/26/2012 at 20:59

Dear Players,

We have received reports from some of our players about being unable to either send or receive gifts.

We are investigating the issue and working on a fix.

To help us out, click the Please Fix button below to help us keep track of the total number of affected players.

We welcome your feedback on this issue via the below survey:


-Mafia Wars Team

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Welcome Reward: Collectable Card (Point Blank)

Welcome Reward: Collectable Card (Point Blank)
Updated 09/26/2012 at 20:14

To welcome you back, we are giving you a Collectable Card (Point Blank)

Please note: If you haven't received a Game Request for this item, please Click here to fill our survey and provide your UID to let our team know.

Please note that there is no need to submit a support request for this item as Customer Service agents will not be able to make any adjustments or credits to your account for this item.

If you have not already added the Collectable Card (Point Blank) to your inventory, you can locate and add it by following the instructions provided below.

1. Click HERE to open the Facebook Game Request Page

2. Scroll down and locate the announcement from Mafia Wars about the Collectable Card and click 'Accept'.

3. After you have clicked the accept button you will be taken back to the game and will receive the following pop-up:

4. To find the item in your game, please click on the Inventory tab and select Collections and Vaults > Set 4: Crime Scene

5. You will see the Collectable Card added to Series 2 of your Crime Scene Set:


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Jailbreaker - FAQ

Jailbreaker - FAQ
Updated 09/24/2012 at 07:23

We’re giving the power to you to choose what's best for you.

This is your ultimate chance to build or upgrade high stats items as many times as you can. Upgrade or Build, the choice is yours!

Q: Is there a minimum level requirement?
A: Yes, to be able to craft items in Jailbreaker, a player must be a minimum of level 50.

Q: For how long will the feature be available?
A: Jailbreaker will be available for a period of 7 days (From Sept 23rd Midnight Pacific Time to Sept 29th 23:59 Pacific Time)

Q: What do I need to craft items in Jailbreaker? How does the feature work?
A: In order to craft items in Jailbreaker, you’ll need to earn Bunch of Prison Keys in any of the following ways:

Feed Posts: You can earn up to 30 parts per day by having your friends click on your feeds. One Feed post can get you a maximum of 10 parts in a day.

You can post a feed every 2 hours (provided you have not collected the daily limit of 30 parts already).

In addition, you can earn up to 10 parts per day by clicking on your friends' feeds.

Jobs: Get up to 5 parts a day as loot drops while doing jobs.

Status of the feeds can be viewed by clicking the yellow mark next to the event title:

The daily limit timers reset at 00:00:00 AM PST.

The total number of unused Bunch of Prison Keys (building parts) in your account will be displayed in the “Parts Owned” section of the Feature:

You can also purchase Bunch of Prison Keys using Reward Points.

Using the available parts in your account, you can both queue any of the 2 craftable items for building (increasing the total number of items obtained at the end of the event) and upgrade the level of items (build better items with higher stats). Read further for details.

You can choose any combination of builds and upgrades.

Q: Which items are available for Building? Is there a Maximum limit on number of items I can craft?
A: There are 2 Items which you can build and upgrade using the parts available in your account:

1. Ball and Chain (Better Mafia Attack Strength and adds +1 and +2 Personal Attack stats when on Ruby and Emerald level)

2. Prisoner (Better Mafia Defense Strength and adds +1 and +2 Personal Defense stats when on Ruby and Emerald level)

There is no limit on the amount of items you can craft from this feature as long as you have the required building parts on your account within the time limit of the event (Sept 23rd Midnight Pacific time to Sept 29th 23:59 Pacific Time).

Q: How do I use the available parts to upgrade the level of the item? What are the different Tiers available?
A: Using the available parts in your account, you can perform 2 actions:

1. Build: Click on the Build to add an item to building queue. (Please note that you’ll be able to collect the items you have crafted only after the event ends.

2. Upgrade: Click on the Upgrade button to upgrade the item level to the next tier.
There will be 5 upgrade tiers available for both the items - Bronze (default), Silver, Gold, Ruby and Emerald.

Below table shows the number of parts required to upgrade the item strength:

The cost of upgrading or building one item will not change the cost of upgrading or building the other item. Upgrading an item improves all copies of that item, including those already queued for building.

The number of parts required to build items are as follows:

Q: Can I reallocate the parts used for building to upgrade an item and vice-versa?
A: Allocation of parts for used for either building or upgrading an item is final. You cannot re-allocate the parts once you decide to build/upgrade an item.

Q: I used the parts to “Build” items, but those were not added to my inventory.
A: Please note that you will not receive items in your inventory while the event is running. You will need to collect the items at the end of the event.

Q: If I "Build" some items and spend parts to "Upgrade" later, does it upgrade all the "built" items?
A: Yes, you can use the "Build" / "Upgrade" options in any order you want.

For example: If you have already built 10 items on Bronze Tier and use 10 parts to upgrade them to Silver, all the 10 built items will be upgraded to Silver Tier.

Q: When can I collect the items which are queued for building? What if I have unused parts left in my account?
A: Once the “Collect After:” timer ends (Sept 30th 00:00 AM onwards), you will see an option to collect from the event and will no longer be able to earn additional parts.

You’ll get 5 additional days from Sept 30th Midnight Pacific Time to use the remaining parts or to purchase parts and build/upgrade items if you wish to do so.

Clicking on Collect will open another window with more options:

Q: Can I build/upgrade more items after I click on the “Collect” button?
A: No, after Collecting the items from event, the event will end for you and you will be unable to build/upgrade more items. Any unused parts will be lapsed at the end of the Event (after clicking the Collect button).

You will be prompted before you can Collect the crafted items and end the event:


Update (Fixed) - Attackers not appearing in Player Updates

Update (Fixed) - Attackers not appearing in Player Updates
Updated 09/25/2012 at 14:48

Some of our players reported that recent attackers were not appearing in Player Updates section.

We have implemented a fix for this issue and recent attackers should appear in the Player Updates again.

Thank you for your patience while this issue was being looked into.

- Mafia Wars Team

Update (Fixed): Mafia Strength (Attack/Defense) reduced

Update (Fixed): Mafia Strength (Attack/Defense) reduced
Updated 09/25/2012 at 14:43

Dear Players,

We got reports from some of our players that Mafia Strength was displayed incorrectly for their accounts for some time.

We have implemented a fix for this issue and the stats should appear fine on all the accounts now.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience and cooperation while this issue was resolved.

- Mafia Wars Team

Family Boss Fight FAQ

Family Boss Fight FAQ
Updated 09/20/2012 at 12:13

Q: When was this feature released?
A: The latest version of the Family Boss Fight was released on 09/13/11.

Q: Is this a permanent feature to the game?
A: Yes! This is the second installment of the feature and promises to add a new element to the game.

Q: What exactly is a Family Boss Fight?
A: The Family Boss Fight is a boss fight like no other previously released. For this boss fight you will need to help of your family in order to achieve victory.

Q: How long will we have to defeat the boss?
A: This time around you are will have less time to beat the boss . To keep you on track there will be a timer on the home page of the boss fight page, as well as above the leaderboard. It is important to note that the current Family Boss feature isn't around for as long as his predecessor, however, future bosses may be shorter/longer.

Q: What will happen if my Family is not able to defeat the Boss within the 7 day period.
A: This feature is a permanent and if you do not beat him in the tiem allotted you will have the opportunity to fight him again.

Q: If my Family defeats the Boss during within the alotted time frame we will be able to fight him again?
A: Yes! Because this feature is permanent you will have the opportunity to fight him again to earn different rewards.

Q: Do I need to be in a Family in order to participate in this boss fight?
A: In order to participate in this feature, you will need to join or create a Family.

Q: Where will I find this boss fight within the game?
A: You will find a new button on your home page called 'Bosses' with a number indicating that a boss fight is available. Upon clicking this button you will be taken to the Family Boss Fight page.

Q: How do I begin the boss fight?
A: After you have opened the Family Boss fight page you will be given a feature overview and prompted to select one of three different boss fight roles.

Q: What do Bruiser, Arsonist, and Racketeer do?
A: Each character plays its own part in the boss fight, and it is important to remember that each role can ONLY cast on others.

Bruiser: Grants you the ability to cast the double damage buff on someone who has requested help.
Arsonist: Can cast a buff that will reduce the Boss's rage so that more damage can be done.
Racketeer: Resets your Fatigue so you reduce the cost of Stamina for your attacks.

Q: Which type is better?
A: Each part plays its role in defeating the Boss. The most important aspect is the coordinated effort of all roles in order to bring the boss down.

Q: After I have selected a role am I able to change it?
A: No. When you select a role for the boss fight, this is what you will be until the boss has been defeated.

Q: Are there consumables for this boss fight?
A: Yes. There are four different types of consumables that are available to help you with this boss fight. These four consumable will become available as soon as you have started a boss fight.

Q: What are the consumables for this boss fight, and where will I be able to get them?
A: There are four consumables that can be used for this boss fight:

Backstab drops from Jobs and will do between 80-110 in damage.
Crowbar Swing drops from Robbing, and will do 70 damage.
Sucker Punch drops from Fighting, and can do between 90-100 in damage.
Rifle Round is available by using the 'Ask' button, and can do between 100-130 in damage.

Q: Are there limits to the number of consumables that I can have?
A: Yes. There is a limit of 20 consumables that a player can have in their account at any one time.

Q: Will I be able to purchase consumables while fighting the boss?
A: Yes. If you run out of any of the consumables you will have the opportunity to purchase an additional 10 for 10 Reward points.

Q: Can we use the consumables in specific combos to deliver an extra punch?
A: Yes! There are a total of four combos that can be used to deal incrementally more damage to the boss. These combos are meant for self discovery and can be shared with your family. Please note that with each upcoming boss the combos may vary, and some bosses may have more/less combos available.

Q: How do I attack the boss?
A: You can use the consumables that you have collected to attack the boss, or you can attack him directly using the stamina attack button located directly under the consumables on the boss fight screen.

Q: What is the difference between attacking the boss with consumables and attacking him with my stamina?
A: Stamina attack uses up stamina, and the base damage you do is based upon attack strength. Consumables do not use Stamina, and they do a fixed amount of damage.

Q: What is the Fatigue meter, and how does it affect the boss fight?
A: The Fatigue meter increases each time that you attack the boss and is directly related to how much stamina that you use against the boss. The higher the Fatigue meter, the more stamina it will cost you to attack the boss.

Q: How can I reduce the Fatigue meter so that I can use the least amount of stamina possible?
A: There are two ways for you to reduce the Fatigue meter. The first is to ask your family for help by clicking the '?' button on the boss fight tool bar. This will alert your family that you need help. For 5 Reward points you can also buy 5 Fatigue buffs to use yourself. To purchase these buffs simply click the coin icon next on the boss fight tool bar. When you have the Fatigue buffs available for use, they will automatically be applied each time you click the Attack button, therefore reducing the Fatigue meter.

Q: What is the Rage meter and how does the Arsonist affect it?
A: The Rage meter for the boss increases each time that you attack it using either the consumables or the attack button. The higher the Rage meter, the less damage that you are going to be able to do to the boss. You can also request help from your family by clicking the '?'. Additionally, you also have the option of buying Arsonist buffs for 5 Reward points so that you can use them to reduce the Rage meter. As with the other buffs, Arsonist is applied each time that you attack, and will bring down the rage meter, therefore increasing the amount of damage that you can do to the boss.

Q: Is the amount of damage the Bruiser does related to the Rage or Fatigue meters?
A: The Bruiser does double the amount of damage to the Boss, however, the higher the Rage meter is the less double damage that can be done. In order to take advantage of the double damage that can be dealt, work with your family to ensure the Rage meter is as low as possible. Like the other buffs, you can request Bruiser buffs from your family or you can purchase 5 at a time for 5 Reward points.

Q: If I have chosen to be a Bruiser in this boss fight to do double damage, will I do double damage again if is use the Bruiser buff?
A: The way the roles work, a player who has chosen the role of a bruiser must cast their buff on you. Once they do, you will receive five charges, which means that your next five attacks (through stamina or combos) will do double damage. You cannot buff yourself with the double damage.

Q: What will happen if I request help and multiple members of my family seen me the buff that I have requested?
A: Only the first request applied will count. Other players who click should not have their casts complete.

Q: How will I know if my family needs help?
A: When you family needs help you will see this indicated on the leader board to the left hand side of the buff fight page.

Q: How many times can I can help my fellow players?
A: Each player will have 5 buff items of their chosen character, either Bruiser, Arsonist, or Racketeer. You can send these buff items to your fellow family members to help them on their side of the fight. These will regenerate every 30 minutes, and you can only send them to your family if you have them available.

Q: How does the leaderboard work and are there any benefits to be at the top?
A: The leaderboard is based upon the amount of damage or activity that an individual family member contributes to the defeat of the boss. The higher you are on the leaderboard the better chance you have at getting a superior item.

Q: What items are available as rewards for defeating the boss?
A: There are three tiers of items that are available for taking the boss down. The reward for defeating the Family Boss is awarded randomly, however, your chances of receiving a higher rated item will increase slightly by doing better on the leaderboard. It is very important to note that there is a minimum amount of participation that each family member must perform in order to be eligible for a reward item if the boss is defeated.

Q: Does this boss fight feature further my progression in the Family Progression?
A: No. This is a separate feature and does not count towards Family Progression.

Q: Is there any type of penalty for leaving the boss fight before he has been defeated?
A: The boss fight is active until he has been defeated. You can't leave the boss fight before then unless you opt to leave the family. If you choose to leave the family before the boss fight is defeated, you will not be able to collect the reward. It is important to note that the Boss Fight is owned by the Family.

Q: If someone is attacking me while I am engaged in the Boss fight, will that affect by battle with the boss in any way?
A: No! Your health is not involved at all when participating in Family Boss fights, so you're free to play as you normally do while still participating and helping your family defeat the Family Boss fight.

Q: How can I become most affective at dealing damage to the boss?
A: This system is designed to encourage and reward tight cooperation between multiple players in the same family. The groups who will do best are the ones who have a high level of coordination and a sound strategy for when to use their casts. If you are interested in increasing your personal contribution, you should continue to increase your own personal fighting strength (attack skill, mafia attack) to do more damage, and by doing core game actions to collect consumables.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tips an Trick when collecting Daily Bonus or Email Bonus

Tips an Trick when collecting Daily Bonus or Email Bonus

This time i will give you a trick how to got multi-bonus from daily bonus point and daily email bonus. This Glitch unlimited and still works good until now!!! 
Click with faster many times the link for daily bonus or email bonus (that way will open multi tabs in one time with the same link).

How can i open the same link in many different tabs at the same time???
It's easy...
  1. Click and hold "ctrl" key from your keyboard (PC or Laptop)
  2. Click faster the link 2 or 3 times after hold the "ctrl" key (point-1)
    That way will open the same link in 2 or 3 different tabs.
    Tips: Don't open the link for more 3 tabs (to long response for browser in loading when you open more than 3 tabs) 
  3. Leave all the tabs loading until finish. 
Here is the result (in this case, i opened the link in 3 tabs different).


Welcome Reward: Bunch of Prison Keys

Welcome Reward: Bunch of Prison Keys
Updated 09/25/2012 at 09:22

To welcome you back, we are giving you Bunch of Prison Keys (x10)

Please note: If you haven't received a Game Request for this item, please Click here to fill our survey and provide your UID to let our team know.

Please note that there is no need to submit a support request for this item as Customer Service agents will not be able to make any adjustments or credits to your account for this item.

You can use these consumables to craft items in Jailbreaker

If you have not already added the Bunch of Prison Keys to your inventory, you can locate and add it by following the instructions provided below.

1. Click HERE to open the Facebook Game Request Page

2. Scroll down and locate the announcement from Mafia Wars about the Mystery Gift and click 'Accept'.

3. After you have clicked the accept button you will be taken back to the game and will receive the following pop-up:

4. To find the item in your game, please click on the Inventory tab and select Items

5. Click on Items > Filter and type the item name "Bunch of Prison Keys" to look up for the item

6. In the results, you will see the updated number of Bunch of Prison Keys (adding 10 items for the Welcome Reward):

You can use the Bunch of Prison Keys in the Jailbreaker event to craft cool items.

Please click HERE for FAQs on Jailbreaker event.

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