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Tuesday, November 29, 2011



Config Page 1

(a)[check] Start City: "Las Vegas", (b) Travel To: "ALL", (c) [uncheck] After: 5 min. (d) [check] If no targets.

a. Do you want to choose a certain city to start fight session.
b. Choose in drop down box which citys you want to travel to during your fight session.
c. Do you want to travel to selected citys after a certain time frame.
d. Do you want to travel to a new city, via your selected list (b) if no targets can be found in your current city.
Note: You will not travel unless either (c) or (d) are selected. [uncheck] both (c) & (d) for no traveling.
If you want to chase a certain type of cash; Select your city (a) and uncheck (c) and (d). [check]Config Pg2 line 4 (a) & (b).
If you want to use your "Brazil Crew Fighting" bonus; activate 2 crew, (a)=Brazil, [uncheck](c) and (d)


(a)[check] Heal in "New York", (b) if less than "50", (c) But not if:[uncheck], Stamina below: "100",
(d)[uncheck] Attacking same player.

a. Choose the city for which cash type you will use to heal.
b. Choose what the energy level will be when you heal.
NOTE: below <20><0>
Note: If you have this amount set high and your opponent does not have Pg 1 line 4(a) Selected you could recieve Massive losses due to
Continual rehealing, until being finally defeated.
c. Dont heal me if my stamina falls below "The Amount I Choose". I will stay dead and out of the competition.
Or I may want to save some stamina for My opperations ect.
or I Don't want to auto level up. I prefere to do it myself.
NOTE: BattleField will stop.
d. I only want to defeat my opponent if I can beat them with my one amount of energy. If not I will submit to them, move on and then heal
after they have defeated me. Or I will stop attacking them and let them go and move on and heal.


(a)[check] Rapid Fire! If enemy health below: "80%", (b) Aggressiveness: "Very High (100%)".

a. Continual fire until opponent is Iced or killed. Choose how much health your opponent will have left between 10% - 100%
b. How many rapid attacks 10% = 7, 25% = 8, 50% = 9, 100% = 12+.


(a)[uncheck] Maximum attacks: "120", (b)[check] Power Attack!, (c)[uncheck] Attack NPC. (d)Heal Timer: "0" seconds.

a. Select the maximum amount times you will attack some one.
b. Five attacks at one time.
c. non-players contestants, guys you see when completing missions.
d. Heal at selected time reguardless of situation.


(a)[uncheck] Delay when attack same player: "1-3", (b)[check] Delay when changing player: "1".

 It is recommended that at least one is active.
These two functions are to imitate normal human opperations. So you dont get flagged.

a. Delay between each Attack.
b. Delay between players. Recommended at least one second.


(a)[check] Bank if more than: "1000", (b)Select Cities:[check]"Las Vegas";[check]"Italy";[check]"Brazil";[uncheck]"New York".

a. Banks after each attack that reaches selected amount.
b. Choose the citys you want to autobank.


(a)[uncheck] Attack when lost, (b)[uncheck] If attacks less than: "5", (c)[uncheck] If i did won.

a. You can still go for Ice if you loose. With this selected you greatly increase your lost fight stats.
b. Attack if you lost providing it only takes the selected amount to complete the Ice/Kill.
c. ---------


(a)[check] Revenge Stolen Ices: (b)[check]But only if level: "lower" than:"20000", (c)[check] but Not BlackListed.

a. When someone else attacks your Foe at the same time. They may be awarded with the Ice. You attack to get it back.
b. Select the level size of the "thief".
c. Don't attack the theif if they have already beaten you previously. "Blacklisted".


(a)[uncheck] Auto Publish after: "20" ices. (b)In Page/Group ID or empty for wall: "[empty]".

a. Publish your fight bonuses and achievements automatically. Select how often: "5-20".
b. Select who or which group to publish to. You need to put the group/page ID.
it's a number. When you're in the group/page, look in profile picture link, you will see some info like
group_id=xxxxxxxxxx in that url link, copy the xxxxxxxxxx number. Add to box.


(a)Log Length: "500", (b)[check] Show social events in log. (c)[check] Show loot events in log.

a. General is Log and Consists of: "General", "Loot", "Iced", Tabs.
b. Victory Coins, double XP.
c. You Found ??????.

"The Beast", Stronger than you. Added to your Blacklist if selected.
"The Theif", stole your Ice. chance to Revenge the ice.
"The Bank", Money Drop as per Whitelist specified amount. Added to Whitelist

Config Page 2

(a)[uncheck] Name filter: "{}[]()$%&#|@/?*<>", (b)[uncheck] Regex syntax.

a. Skip names begining with these symbols.
b. Skip names starting with regex syntax symbols.
NOTE: Filter ALWAYS means to SKIP.


[uncheck] Badge filter: "[empty]".

Function to choose what level tier some one is. Ice badge.
you can choose any number config from 1-5 and any tier color just..
fill in box with below example.
you must type a space or \s, Example "bronze [1-5]" or "bronze\s[1-5]".
To skip them for example "diamond [3-5]" or "diamond\s[3-5]" will not be attacked you will skip them.
You can also just add a single tier level "diamond [5]" or "diamond\s[5]" Don't include "


(a)[uncheck] Skip if health is: ">70%", (b)[uncheck] Skip other damage.

a. Control the amout of attacks by Percentage. Range <20><90>
The lower the number the less attacks it will take to finish your opponent.
'PRO' <20>
'CON' <20>
b. Skip if opponent is already under attack. You wont steal many Ice.


(a)[check] Skip if drop cash less than: "60000", (b)[uncheck] Skip if drop cash from diff city.

a. If you need cash. Now Configured to per attack. The highest drop per attack is 60000 + 15% bagman bonus.
Filter can only know if the opponent has potential to drop 60000 during the round.
It does not mean the first or each attack.
b. Will only attack if current city money is available. If your searching for one currency type.
If unchecked you can recieve cash of any currency in any city reguardless of your current city status.


 (a)[check] Skip users level "greater" than: "20000", (b)[check] But attack if mafia is "lower" than: "490".

This LINE MEANS any level 20,001 - 25,000+ "WILL" be "ATTACKED" If their "MAFIA" is less than 490.
EXAMPLE ( 15,000 Lvl & 438 Mafia, or 25,000 Lvl & 323 Mafia, or 13,589 Lvl & 449 Mafia )

- So If you need more targets, then you can increase the first part (a)(20,000) by 1,000 at a time.
-If you are getting more than 30-40 losses per 1,000 then Lessen The second amount (b)(490) by 10-50 at a time
and try again.. If your not getting many or " NO LOSSES INCREASE" the amount a bit.


(a)[check] Skip users mafia "greater" than: "500", (b)[check] But attack if level is "lower" than: "700".

This LINE MEANS that "YOU WILL ATTACK" 501 Players but you can choose and regulate how strong they are by "LEVEL".
Depending on the required outcome exaple : if you're loosing too many or not Loosing enough:
First try adjusting the second part of this LINE 6 ( B ) " Less" if you're Loosing too many fights and "more" if
you're not loosing any.. By 50 at a time.

ALSO if you are not that strong yet and you are loosing too many fights reguardless of the above mentioned
adjustments.... Then "LESSEN" the first part of this LINE 6 ( A ) ( "CHECK" Skip users mafia: "greater" than: 500 ) by 50 at a time..
"UNCHECK" line (6b) But attack if level is: "lower" than: 700. And you will "NOT ATTACK" any Player that has
501 Mafia strength or higher than your selected amount..


(a)[check] Skip Iced targets. (b)[uncheck] Skip targets that i iced. (c)[uncheck] Skip target that is Healed.


(a)[uncheck] Stop when ICE amount is more than: "100000000000000000". (b)[uncheck] Stop If stamina is less than: "0".


(a)[uncheck] Stop before LevelUp if exp. is less than: "0". (b)[uncheck] Stop after LevelUp.


(a)[check] Keep and resume after: "5 min". (b)[uncheck] Pause after: "10 min". And resume after: "5 min".


[check] Add players who defeat me to Blacklist.

Now you can NOT attack your Blacklist so this is self explanitory.
This is where you add familys that are your friends.
so you do not attack them or you can also follow instructions below "How to Add NAME\lINK" to clanlist.


[check] Add to Whitelist if total cash gained is more than: "1000000".


If you do want to target a family for a short while. most Family wars are short..
1. You click Add to Whitelist > clear whitelist.
2. Go to Whitelist Tab via Battlefield 4th Tab across > uncheck: Add to WhiteList if total cash gained
is more than: because you want just your targets no new ones.
3. In Battlefield just hit Attack White list instead of Random Attack
NOTE: Now any of the family that is stronger than you. They will be added to blacklist..
If you want to attack them win or loose then uncheck your Blacklist settings also.


Family Tag Filter: "{}[]()$&#|@<>", Filtered Familys: [uncheck] Added, [uncheck] Skipped.

The listed families are: "Skipped": "LORDS at --- --- -- 2011",

[Uncheck] the Family Tag Filter:
Filtered families are:( UNCHECK )Added. ( UNCHECK )Skipped.
that function is for the Filtered tags box on left. Which includes all of the selected symbols or regex syntax.
If you just want to skip Freindly allies.
just put their name\link in the Big wider box on right side and above make sure the Listed families button\Box says "SKIPPED".
Also there is no way of stopping those from stealing Ices off you because it's not an attack on you when your Ice is stolen.
So you wont attack them if you have revenge stolen Ice's activated.

If you want to avoid attacking your family members that are not in your Mafia:
1.Go to "My Mafia" -> "Families" ->
2.click the copy button at the "SHARE THIS PROFILE:" section ->
3.open the Battlefield ->
4.click the "ClanList" tab -> (5th Tab across called "CLAN")
5."Add new" Button ->
6.paste in the link -> into the new popUp Ok ...Thats it done.. 

many thanks to Fast Eddie (writen the guide)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Mission Event: Family Gatherings - I Don't Believe It

Known Mission Issues (Updated 11/21/2011)

Hello Mafia Players,

This is the list of Mission Issues some players are currently experiencing. It is in this forum that we will keep you up-to-date on our progress toward a solution for each issue, as well as provide any player-submitted workarounds that we’ve confirmed to be effective. You will not be able to reply to threads in this forum, but each issue will contain links to:

1) the issue’s Report A Bug thread, where you can privately submit details to help us develop a solution.

2) the Submit A Workaround forum, where you can share any workarounds you’ve developed.

--------------------------------------------Known Issues---------------------------------------------

Mission Event: Family Gatherings - I Don't Believe It:

Issue: Some players report not receiving credit/progress for declaring wars, as required to complete the "I Don't Believe It" chapter of the Mission Event.

Status: Investigating. If you are experiencing this issue, please add your details to this Bug Report.

Workaround: None yet. If you know of a workaround for this issue, please Submit A Workaround.

Mission Event: Family Gatherings - Get Outta Here - Ask For 10 Confidential Records From Mafia:

Issue: Some players report losing all Confidential Records upon completing the "Ask For 10 Confidential Records From Mafia" task.

Status: Investigating. If you are experiencing this issue, please add your details to this Bug Report.

Workaround: None yet. If you know of a workaround for this issue, please Submit A Workaround.

Mission Event: Family Gatherings - Well That Seems Rude - Deal With The Don’s Guards:

Issue: Some players report not receiving credit/progress for completing the "Deal With The Don’s Guards" job task.

Status: Investigating. If you are experiencing this issue, please add your details to this Bug Report.

Workaround: None yet. If you know of a workaround for this issue, please Submit A Workaround.

Mission Event: Family Gatherings - How Was The Food? - Gain Access To Private Villa:

Issue: Some players report not receiving credit/progress for completing the "Gain Access To Private Villa" job task.

Status: Investigating. If you are experiencing this issue, please add your details to this Bug Report.

Workaround: None yet. If you know of a workaround for this issue, please Submit A Workaround.


Don't see your issue? Be sure to check the Resolved Mission Issues thread before posting a bug report in the Report A Bug forum.


~Mafia Wars Team

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